How are you making a Kingdom impact through words and actions

When Heaven invades earth...

2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ preached this simple message wherever he went...

“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. ”

Jesus was declaring that God’s rule and reign was breaking in to human history in a new way – up close and personal. God’s future vision of Heaven fully invading Earth as captured in Revelation 21:1-5, had begun. Why? Because God himself, the King of the Kingdom, had broken in to human history in Jesus Christ.

And what happens when the Kingdom of God breaks out? The sick are healed, the hungry are fed, the imprisoned are set free, relationships are restored, even the dead are raised – the list goes on. Wherever God’s Kingdom breaks out, there is healing and wholeness.

So what does that mean for you personally today? This brings us to the last of our seven disciple-making questions...

How are you making a Kingdom impact through words and actions? Why not challenge yourself in the following three areas?

Firstly, praying Kingdom prayers. Charles Spurgeon once said “A little faith will take you to heaven, but I pray for the kind of faith that will bring Heaven to earth.” That’s what Jesus commands us to pray in the Lord’s prayer – ‘Your Kingdom come God, on earth as it is in Heaven.’ We pray that Heaven will invade earth now and that we will see signs of the Kingdom. For example, there’s no cancer in Heaven so we pray that there will be no cancer in a sick person’s body. Get in the habit of regularly – daily – praying for the Kingdom of Heaven to break out in the world.

Secondly, living Kingdom lives. As followers of Jesus, we’re no longer citizens of an earthly Kingdom, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God. And so we live differently. We are ambassadors for our King. Representatives of His Kingdom. We live lives of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, self-control – all in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, doing Kingdom works. The work of the Kingdom is to see God’s shalom – his peace and prosperity – break out in our world. With God, your environment doesn't determine your impact. If you carry the Kingdom of God, then Jesus tells us in Matthew 13:31-33 that our impact and influence for God CANNOT help but grow. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, and so we live lives of justice and generosity, joining God in putting the wrong things right in the world around us.

And all this, of course, includes the sharing of our faith. Praying that God will give us opportunities to tell others about the difference that Jesus has made in our lives. Praying that God will extend His family to include our family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, strangers and even enemies. Paul reminds us inRomans 10:14-15 that people will only know about Jesus if someone tells them; if you and I tell them! So we pray Kingdom prayers, live Kingdom lives, and do Kingdom works, believing that this will raise questions that will point people to Jesus.

As a follower of Jesus, this is what you’re called to be, say and do! Jesus has giving us our marching orders in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. Let’s wake up every day asking for the Spirit to equip us for the challenge of seeing God’s Kingdom come – in us and through us – as it is in Heaven.
