Who are you LEARNING from?

Live Life 1-2-3 is a way of thinking about the key relationships you need to grow your faith and help you grow the faith of others. It’s a way of thinking about ‘being the family of God’.

The '1' represents your commitment to find at least ONE person you’re learning from. Someone who can help and challenge you to become everything that God created you to be. You could call them your spiritual ‘parent’ or 'mentor' or 'coach' or 'disciples'. Basically, someone who is helping you grow as a child of God.

Author Bob Biehl speaks about mentoring as a ’lifelong relationship, in which a mentor helps a protégé reach his or her God-given potential’. This might not be a 'lifelong relationship' but it cold definitely be for a season.

The Dictionary defines a Mentor as ‘an experienced and trusted advisor’. Think about those words...

  • ’Experienced’ implies someone who is a little bit further down the road of life.
  • 'Trusted’ implies someone who has won the respect and confidence of the Trainee.
  • 'Advisor' implies someone you'd trust to share wisdom and advice with you.

How do I find a guide, or mentor?

Be on the look out for someone who is further ahead of your on the journey of faith and life. Someone who you think you could trust to encourage, challenge and advise you. Someone you could be REALLY honest with. You may immediately have an idea of who that person might be but if not pray that God will give you 'radar' for that person. God wants you to have a mentor so just keep your eyes and ears open for the right person.

What do I do once I have a guide?

Arrange to meet up. Get to know each other. See if there's a connection and you feel that this person will be able to help you and that they feel the same. Talk about some of the areas in your life where you particularly want encouragement, advice and challenge. Work out how often you want to meet, for how long and any boundaries to the conversation. It's a good idea to set up a review period too.

Can I have more than one guide?

Of course. As long as your clear what you're trying to get from each guide, or mentor. The important thing is make sure you have ONE but if you feel the need to have other people speak in to your life about specific things that's fine. Just make sure you don't have mentors who are giving you different advice about the same thing. Sometimes you might want a specific mentor to help you in your faith but you might also want someone to help coach you in an area of gifting e.g. Leadership.